Module : Coffee Business Entrepreneurship


The coffee business is one of the attractive businesses for entrepreneurs from small- to large-scale. It has a high value, and its probability of growth is over 10%. Moreover, the demand for coffee in the country has continued to increase. Currently, Thailand produces only 30,579 tons of quality coffee beans, which is insufficient to meet domestic demand. Therefore, 47,494 tons must be imported from abroad, valued at 1,865 million baht, according to statistics from the Office of Agricultural Economics, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives in 2018. It is a must to promote both the cultivation and quality control of coffee beans, as well as the development of coffee products to achieve quality and acceptance at international level. It is therefore essential for producers and associated entrepreneurs to have comprehensive knowledge and understanding of coffee from upstream to downstream, with the ability to apply the knowledge and practical experience in the coffee business.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Learners can explain their knowledge gained on coffee production process from cultivation method to finished products.
  2. Learners can design, produce, and create coffee products.
  3. Learners can analyze and present a coffee business plan.

Coursespdf-icon - Valter Longo

  • The Art and Science of Coffee
  • High Quality Coffee Bean Production and Processing Technology
  • Coffee Business Management
  • Value-Added Creation of Coffee Product
  • Professional Experience for Coffee Business Entrepreneurship